Thursday, August 28, 2008

Devotion: Thursday, August 28

Begin your time today with prayer. Allow God to guide your time. Don't go to this time with an agenda of your own. Take time to hear from God and let Him reveal the things He wants you to pray about. Open your heart to His agenda today!

Read Exodus 16:9-10.

What are the things that speak to your heart right now in these verses?

What verse or words stick out to you? Why?

Where did the people see the glory of the Lord appear in a cloud?

What are your thoughts on this?

I find it so powerful that the people saw the glory of the Lord in the desert (wilderness)! It's so easy for us to feel and see God's presence on the mountain top. When we have wonderful conference experiences, Bible studies, weekend retreats, and Sunday worship experiences. But, many days when we are living the "normal life" or going through a very difficult time we find that it's harder to see God's glorious presence. We get bogged down in the details of life and sometimes miss the daily glory of the Lord.

What about you today? Do you desire to see the glory of God in your desert? Think about that desert we have been sharing about. We can see God's glory right in the middle of that desert! That is what a lost world is waiting to see. If our eyes are fixed on God...we won't miss His glory even in the desert!


Unknown said...

I am the desert ....and I am looking all around for his glory, daily provision and guidance. Pray that I can be the rutter for my household. I know these kids are looking at me and can feel when I am in fear of the unknown...I know they are watching me to see my reaction to the things that are being thrown our way. I got to church last night and my oldest was at the alter in tears and is feeling so alone...her teenage friends do not understand why she feels the was she does....SarahLaine is struggling with Joy..she feels like anything that she enjoys is somehow wrong because she has seen poverty and cannot seperate her life from theirs. Help me convey to her that God is not angry with her if she enjoys a cup of coffee, a book a football game, he knows she loves him and his orphans on this earth. Help her to show her friends Jesus' love and not make them feel condemned they have not seen what she saw and they cannot comprehend all that is in her heart.
Love you all,

Angela said...

I have been lifting your family up in prayer since He first brought our paths to meet two Sundays ago. From the moment I first sat next to you, I knew if wasn't pure coincedence that you sat next to me.
I cannot express to you the admiration I felt in my heart hearing SarahLaine speak about her mission last week. I have been feeding off of the momentum of the Joy that He graciously offered to us through her on Sunday. I was so glad my children were able to be touched by her words and pictures that she shared...helping to open their eyes to the blessings that we have everyday that are taken for granted.
Lainie, we are together in the desert. You are never alone. I pray for you to have strength to meet the daily challenges set before you. I pray for you and for SarahLaine to accept the Joy without reservation and worry. I love you...and He loves you too.
(HUGS) Angela

Frances said...

What a blessing we have in being sisters in Christ! I am blessed reading the lessons God is teaching you, the thoughts you are pondering in your hearts, and the honesty you are sharing with each other. Can't you already feel the bond growing deeper and deeper?

I am so grateful to be on this journey together! What a ride!


Unknown said...

Thanks so much Angela, I felt the same way too!!! I will pass on your note to SarahLaine, she is so discouraged right now and feels like since she got back here to the US, that she feels farther away from God and that she just cannot feel him like she did there. I try to talk to her, but my words are not getting through......Thanks for your prayers! How are you? Are you still hanging out that car window????

Yes I am!!!
Till Sunday,