Wednesday, September 10, 2008

1 Samuel 3:15-18

Happy Wednesday to you! It's the middle of the week, and many times this is a day where we are feeling the pressures of the week. Take time to release the cares of today and allow this time to be calm. Allow God to give you a peace and ask Him to speak clearly to you through His Word today.

Read 1 Samuel 3:15-18.

What do you think God is saying to your own life today?

How will your life be different today because of what God has said to you today?

Sometimes it is hard to share with others about God isn't it? It's hard at times to share what He has said to our hearts because we are afraid that they won't understand. We are afraid of what they will think of us. We are worried that they will reject God and us if we share our hearts.

Samuel was afraid to tell Eli what had happened. I can relate to that! Can't you? Many times as God is changing us, growing us, and speaking to us we fear that others will not understand. We fear that they will think we are "Jesus freaks" or are religious fanatics. We are worried about how this will affect our relationship with those we love.

But, that is exactly what Satan wants us to fear. It is true that some people around us will not understand. Others may reject us. But, God will take care of our every need! Journeying with His is never an easy road, but it is the ONLY one that will truly satisfy our souls. Satan wants you to fear being alone and rejected...when the Truth is that you are loved and redeemed by the Almighty God of the universe!

When Samuel spoke up...Eli responded in confirmation! He tells Samuel that it was the Lord and that He would do what is good! How true this is.

So many times I miss the JOY of sharing with others because of fear! I'm wanting people to like me more than I want them to know the goodness of God. There are times when I am just thinking about messing it up, letting God down, turning them off forever, or just worried they will think I am a freak. I hate to admit that, but it's true!

Today, I am reminded that I need to walk in faith and courage! I am a child of God and He is the one who will do what He thinks is good. I must simply obey! I must share His love and Word with those around me as He leads. I must not believe the lie of fear anymore!

Take time to share your fears with sharing His love, salvation, and Word with others to God. Allow Him to speak personally to you right now. Ask Him for courage to live in FAITH today!

I love you girls...


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