Monday, October 20, 2008

Back in Georgia!

Hi girls! I missed you all so very much on Sunday. While you were having so much fun sharing and digging into God's Word...I was in the air somewhere between DFW and Atlanta...I think! This weekend was amazing and it was such an honor to serve those ladies in New Mexico. I was truly blessed by their generous hearts and loving lives. I miss them already!

But, it is great to finally be back in town for more than a week! I am grateful for a break and time to really focus this month (what remains of it) on our class and getting our contacts going. Please keep praying about the part God will have you play in reaching out to those ladies who are not coming often. We want to make sure they know they are loved!

I don't have my book to share with you things to be studying this week, but I will post on that tomorrow! I just wanted to let you know how very much I missed you all and love you dearly. You are on my mind and in my heart daily!

Have a great day...and make sure you start the day in God's Word! Don't forget our cups will be filled with something today...let's make sure it's with God! Then everything else is just icing on your cake today! Love you girls...

Thriving 365!

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