Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Oh the conviction!

Tonight, I was at Ladies' Bible study and two of my most favorite ladies informed me that I had not updated this blog in a MONTH!!! I believe it too! Since I left for Poland, my life has been super charged with many projects, speaking engagements, writing, piloting a new Biblical series next week, planning an overseas retreat for missionary wives in South Asia, homeschooling our daughters (one of which has dyslexia) and striving to keep our home and my life focused on God alone...whew!

During that time, I had to release a few things that I knew I could return to in time. This, unfortunately, was one of those things. I'm so sorry for being absent each day as some of you have been so faithful. I pray that you will know my heart never for a moment was absent from you and this class.

Tomorrow, I leave for New Mexico to do a ladies' retreat there for the weekend. But, after that I will be in Georgia for 2 months straight!! I am thrilled to have a little bit of a break from the travel. I ask that you pray for me as I travel and this group as we encounter the power of God's Word together this weekend in NM.

We are having a great time in 1 Samuel. We are starting to meet David and learn the lessons from His life. I pray that you are growing and learning each day from God's Word! When I return on Monday, my goal is to begin updating this blog again with daily lessons from 1 & 2 Samuel.

Have a great weekend! Enjoy God and the beauty that is in His creation. Take a few moments to get back into His Word and allow Him alone to fill your cup. Only then can you overflow into the other areas of your life with the power and victory we all desire...and Christ promises us!

I love you all...thanks for hanging in there with me! You're the best!


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